Enter to Win a $200 Free Spirit Gift Certificate!

Enter to Win a $200 Free Spirit Gift Certificate!For our final giveaway of 2021, one lucky reader will win a $200 gift certificate to use at freespirit.com. 🎉🎁📚

To Enter: Leave a comment below telling us something you learned from your students this year.

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109 Responses to Enter to Win a $200 Free Spirit Gift Certificate!

  1. Melinda Todd says:

    I learned that books play an important role when teaching children to express emotions about how they are feeling at home and at school. It also helps to explore a childs talents to find out what the childs interests are so that the child so that they can build confidence and become resilient.

  2. Brooke Barry says:

    I learned that they feel stress just as much as us adults, and they really benefit from outdoor play for emotional, social, physical, and cognitive development.

  3. Morgan says:

    What a great way to celebrate the reciprocal nature of our jobs!

    I have learned that each student is so unique, and that even if they have similar “labels”, they can entirely different profiles (none of which makes them bad, but facing different challenges to success)

  4. Edith Donnell says:

    I learned for my little library patrons that sometimes the best thing to do on Zoom storytime is take requests — like Baa Baa Black Sheep! I also learned from them that singing and dancing together is pure joy and must never be taken for granted. Can’t want for the time to come when we can sing and dance together safely in person!

  5. Angie Williams says:

    I learned that we need each other and a smile from my students is one of the best things in the world!

  6. Nili Davis says:

    Follow on facebook

  7. Nili Davis says:

    Follow on Pinterest

  8. Nili Davis says:

    That students are more resilient than adults!

  9. Paula M. Van Cott says:

    What I learned from my students this year was respect. I was pleased to see them give it to others along with me. Teaching over zoom has been challenging, but these children want to be better people despite every curveball that has been thrown at them these past two years. Teaching them has been a joy and a reward that fills my heart. I am richer within my soul because of what I can give them and for what they give in return. We all can raise good citizens that will help the world be a better place.

  10. Leah Tressler says:

    I have learned so much from the children this year, but mostly that there is still joy in life. Children see the good in others and want to be happy.

  11. Leah Tressler says:

    I Like you on Facebook. Thanks for this opportunity!

  12. Maria Olguin says:

    What I have learned from my students this year is that they need to be heard, and it is difficult when the system has too much structure and does not allow for a genuine conversation about what they would like to talk about.

  13. Carol Ledesma says:

    They amaze me with THEIR resilience!

  14. Dana Smith says:

    I follow you on Facebook.

  15. Dana Smith says:

    Something I have learned from my students this year is: if we show them we are struggling in certain areas, they relate to that and see us more as a person and are more likely to be patient with us as we are with them.

  16. Crystal says:

    This year I learned that I can teach from a distance but teaching in person is so much more fun.

  17. Evelyn Freytes says:

    I learned to live in hope. My students teach me daily what resiliency looks like.

  18. Ana Osorio says:

    I truly can say through everything that we have been through in the last year l feel blessed. I lost 😞 family and friends to Covid and:related health issues. But looking at my kids faces in my classroom and my own kids, I found parts of myself i had lost from the everyday things we take for granted. I love teaching and the thrill and rush it brings to see kids faces light up when they learn and accomplish a task or they get a simple hug. I have always been a giver and still am. But knowing that i have also appreciated putting myself first something I had not done in a long time. I would love to start my year with a fresh look 😍 at special story books to keep my class kiddos happy and never loose the sense of wonder the spark in every child’s eyes when they are completely immersed in a story or moment of a character. I would love to win this shopping spree!!! Thank u

  19. Beth says:

    I relearned how much we all need each other. I learned how much I missed kids when I wasn’t with them in-person.

  20. Mariann Kromenacker says:

    I learned that you have to let kids feel their feelings before they are ready to calm down sometimes and that patience and empathy go a long way.

  21. Susan P says:

    My students have reminded me of the power of music and laughter to build relationships and community. I also am reminded daily that no act of kindness is ever wasted. They really need to hear that they are special and know that we care about them.

  22. Susan P. says:

    I had fun exploring your Pinterest resources.

  23. My students and their families are inspiring as they demonstrated perseverance and resilience throughout a most difficult and challenging time!! I learned that we all can do the same regardless of our circumstances…KEEP CARING is my latest motto.

  24. VICTORIA A TODD says:

    I have learned to laugh more and wear fun hats!

  25. Markki LeBlanc says:

    I learned that my students are stronger than I think. I also learned that most of them gained knowledge while distance learning.

  26. Caroline says:

    I learned the importance of connection. I see many classes of students every week and it’s so important to them that I recognize them and know them.

  27. I have learned our students are stronger than they think they are. They are resilient and just awesome!

  28. Renee Karalus says:

    I am ever forever amazed by students’ abilities to persevere. They have learned and demonstarted patience with each other and grace, and Whether they have learned this from us, as teachers, their parents, etc. They have learned this very importnat action, that in turn helps me do the same for them and my fellow educators. We are all in this together!

  29. My students have taught me to have patience and they will learn, not all in the same way or in the same time period, but they are constantly learning. I’ve also learned to enjoy each moment with them as they can always make me laugh and enjoy life!

  30. Dedra Davis says:

    I have learned that their really are no mistakes and to just listen to the children and when you think its going to be a hard day everything will work its self. Listen to them and keep them busy and everyone is happy.

  31. Kayla Renee Livingston says:

    My students have taught me that they are resilient and are capable of learning and growing, even when they have been made to feel like they aren’t capable or worthy.

  32. Alexandra Rodriguez says:

    I learned that If you share a passion for creating a higher education industry that is both accessible for working adults, and supports them throughout their journey, educators need to be very understnding of their personal situation.

  33. Grownups and kids alike are having a really hard time with this new normal. One day at a time, mindful breathing, taking time to appreciate the good in each day, even if it’s just a favorite blanket or story at bedtime. The only way out is through.

  34. Donna Cunningham says:

    My students have shown me that multi-grade level groups can work in unexpected and wonderful ways!

  35. Julie R says:

    That it’s ok to make mistakes.

  36. D'Arcy Goodrich says:

    There’s always more than one way to view and/or solve a problem!

  37. Jennifer J Mays says:

    This year I have been reminded of how contagious emotions can be. Co-regulation happens!

  38. Karen Kallen-Brown says:

    I learned that compassion is the heart and soul of the art of teaching. There is a reason behind every action and if we can create a safe space, physically and emotionally by meeting challenges with compassion and having patience and kindness to support all of our student, most especially those who struggle, they we can be the change that opens up their path to opportunity, learning, resiliency, and reaching their potential.

  39. Charlotte Sparks says:

    Even on the worst days, a child’s hug cures all. We have all learned about resilience this year. Children bounce back quicker and better than anyone!

  40. Karen says:

    My mindset matters as much as the students mindset.

  41. Crystal Balback says:

    I learned that kids are so good at finding happiness in little moments. This knowledge made me want to create more little moments for them.

  42. Courtney says:

    I have learned that students are wildly resilient with all of the disruption to their typical lives and schooling recently!

  43. shuka hall says:

    I love the social and emotional learning resources!
    Thank you so much.

  44. Adults are tired and frustrated… parents and teachers especially. Whatever we can do to balance tough love and understanding, the better off everyone will be. Respect and patience mixed with empathy makes all of the difference. We can slow down and breathe. We can simplify and take the time to really listen. Being grateful for the things that are going well instead of dwelling on the negative also helps. We all have a need to feel needed. Every life has purpose… both the tall and the small.

  45. Diane Webb says:

    My kids have taught me to look at things in a simpler way and to smile more.

  46. Pam Brandt says:

    I have learned that for many of my students that school is their safe place. They need us teachers as much as we need them. They may not always do the work but just being present in school is what the students need.

  47. Palmetta Hodges says:

    My students have taught me that they have the same feelings and challenges as adults but don’t have the words or coping skills to deal with them.

  48. This year I have learned about our students’ resilience and their desire to learn in the face of tragedy.

  49. mengel3 says:

    I have learned to be more patient than ever.

  50. Ruth Flores says:

    I learn with my toddlers to be in the present moment. The inspiration to continue cultivating the positive relationship with my young learners learning about the world and persevering through the challenges. Being patient to see each other grow from each other positive qualities to give our best each day with joy.

  51. Thomas Simon says:

    One thing I’ve learned about my students this year is how happy they are back to being in school in-person full time. They enjoy coming to school everyday to see their friends and to learn lots of new, exciting things.

  52. Tonya Gerullis says:

    I learned that a smile can change a persons day.

  53. Vasu penneru says:

    Over the pandemic I learnt lots of technology application and using of smart boards, this was great learning as I learnt through mistakes they taught me with affection and love

  54. Kelsey Ulrath says:

    Perseverance is not only taught but lived. This has been a challenging year to say the least and seeing my students push through everything and come out on top has been very rewarding. Not only do I believe in them but they are also believing in their selves.

  55. Kyla Lomer says:

    I’ve learned to take a step back, more often, and try to see the overall, “big picture” from my students.

  56. Jody Rubin says:

    Following on Pinterest

  57. Jody Rubin says:

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  58. Jody Rubin says:

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  59. Jody Rubin says:

    I learned about resilience from our kids. They are so inspiring. They keep going no matter what gets thrown at them. Also, the importance of really being present when being with a child. It helps build those foundational relationships. Makes our work so meaningful.

  60. Mischelle Squire says:

    I’ve learned to give grace. To our families, our colleagues, and ourselves. And to laugh a little more. Sometimes with everything that is happening in the world, it helps to laugh a bit more.

  61. Hannah Gorsh says:

    Learners teach me to that they thrive when given responsibilities.

  62. Stephanie Quinn says:

    I learned to listen more and talk less- an older student said to me, “Nobody really knows what I have gone through-they say they do-but they don’t know what I really went through.” It was a good wake-up call to slow down and just listen instead of hurrying up with strategies and getting them back to class.

  63. Jayne Greeney Schill says:

    Grace and understanding goes both ways!

  64. Diana K says:

    I’ve learned what it really means to be flexible. When you’ve made all these lesson plans and everything is set- but they come in and let you know, in their own way, that they need something else or your plans have to completely fall to the wayside. And that’s ok too.

  65. Kim Rosholt says:

    I learned that children who are seen and valued for who they are thrive not matter what.

  66. Jill Curry says:

    I learned (again) that taking time to build an authentic relationship is a huge catalyst to students’ success not just in academics but in pretty much everything.

  67. Megan Lopez says:

    I have learned that I can get through anything… if my kids are strong, so am I!

  68. Leann Stover Nyce says:

    I have learned from my students that we are hard wired for human connection and the finding of it through in person learning is both rewarding AND exhausting.

  69. Maria Vega says:

    I have learned that it is so important to make those small personal connections–even a small gesture can go very far in making someone’s day better and help them keep going through uncertain and challenging times.

  70. Jane Smith says:

    I follow you on Pinterest.

  71. Lindsay says:

    I’ve learned to “find the funny” in every moment. Relax and don’t take yourself so seriously!

  72. Jane Smith says:

    I follow you on Twitter.

  73. Jane Smith says:

    I follow you on Facebook.

  74. Jennifer says:

    I’ve learned that students will rise to the occasion and lead class discussions and class inquiry when you allow them to.

  75. Jane Smith says:

    My students have taught me the value of bringing joy into the classroom. It may be the best they get that day, so plan for joy in some measure.

  76. Shannon Jaeger says:

    So far this year, I’ve learned that I have a lot of work to do within myself to meet the needs of my students. Patience is a continually learning process because I have to ignore the pressure of curriculum completion to slow down and meet kids where they are. And organization, this helps everyone!

  77. My high school students teach me to focus on the present, to be with them here and now. Together we are learning the value of deep breathing, weekly meditation and self-regulation strategies. The best gift was last week when they asked me to teach them reframing strategies – I almost cried:)

  78. Mrs. Graga says:

    It is hard to pinpoint one lesson, there are so many. Patience and kindness go hand in hand. Eye contact is not directly connected to listening and understanding. Kind words come in many different languages. Responsibility takes many forms. An ounce of trust is worth a pound of positivity!

  79. Brigid Hughes says:

    Sometimes it’s important to laugh and be silly and not so serious about the little things.

  80. Dori Brown says:

    I learned to slow down and just talk. My students need to converse and we gain so much from it every day. I feel closer to them and leave the class period feeling more “accomplished”.

  81. Fran Ben Avi says:

    Listen, laugh and show your students you care. Be there regardless of the circumstances and lots of High fives!

  82. Laurabeth Kapp says:

    My students have again reminded me of the importance of developing a safe community where every person is seen, heard, and appreciated through careful listening and laughing together! Working with my students is my “why” for teaching and brings me joy everyday!

  83. AmyJo says:

    Chill. Somethings don’t matter…

  84. jaqjaqmom says:

    Perseverance! Our students have been online learning from Japan since March 2020! It is really hard to learn a second language in person and they are doing it via Zoom! Not to mention American Studies, Conversation and Reading classes! They are amazing!

  85. I’ve learned to let the small things go and focus on the moment. My kindergarteners are so precious to me and they show me so much love each and everyday.

  86. Mr. Rosario says:

    You can still smile, even if you have a mask on.

  87. Charis says:

    I learned again that students love structure and consistency. Many of my first graders had no idea what in-person school is like. I have watched them relax and blossom into a group that cares about each other and that loves a challenge.

  88. Frances Maye says:

    I learn to laugh more, find times to breathe and enjoy the moment.

  89. Kristin Ruby says:

    The one thing I learned from my students this year is that they love to be included in something that is happening in my life and that I’m excited about. I shared with my students that I’m going to be a Grandma in June and they were all so excited about it. They clapped and said Congratulations and said you are going to be an awesome Grandma! So glad I am able to share this with all of my students!

  90. conroykl says:

    I follow you on Twitter

  91. conroykl says:

    I have learned that even though there is learning loss there was also a lot gained in resilience, grit, independence, and tech skills last school year!

  92. Patsy D Burenheide says:

    Following on Facebook, twitter, and Pinterest!

  93. Michael Allard says:

    Sometimes what looks like bad behavior is good intentioned behavior poorly timed.

  94. Patsy Burenheide says:

    I have learned that thinking positive and growth mindset works for teachers and students!

  95. Karla says:

    One thing I have learned from my students this year is the value of empathy. They are capable of extending great empathy with others and it is evident. I’m so blessed by them!

  96. Timothy Dwyer says:

    Even the most grumpy and difficult students care about you and need your steady presence more than most of us know.

  97. Marie says:

    I have learned to have a lot of patience and in time I will slowly see their growth and connection with learning.

  98. Hayley Maas says:

    I learned from my kids that sometimes all they need is a place to go where they know that they are being heard. I don’t work in a school but a public library but it’s something I think even teachers need to learn that kids are kids and sometimes they just want to be treated like human beings just like we, as adults, do.

  99. Tracy Comeau says:

    My students always teach me patience. It is a constant lesson.

  100. I learned that even with all the tragedy and changes that came from the pandemic, if we work hard, we can fill those learning gaps. Perseverance is key! Growth Mindset. Never give up!

  101. Adria Bader says:

    From my students this year I have learned that anything is possible when we build strong relationships first!

  102. Kendra Cowles says:

    More than ever, I’ve learned the power of resilience from my students. So much of their strength is coming from within. It makes me hopeful for our future.

  103. Helen Prince says:

    I have watched my students give each other such grace this year. They all know that everyone is going through something. I have been so proud of them being gracious to each other.

  104. Hayes says:

    One thing that I learned from my students this year is grace and the power of second chances. There have been times where I had to use tough love on students and I could tell it made them sad. I felt terrible but the next day, they came back with the same positive energy and love as always. It made me realize how important it is to move on and treat every day as a new day with a fresh start.

  105. Becky Landers says:

    It helps for kids to know you care about them. Just finding a common interest you can talk about can break that communication barrier and help me as a counselor to develop rapport.

  106. Karen Strassburg says:

    This year I’ve learned that kids are resilient. We don’t need to try to get back to the way it was pre-pandemic…we are here and the time is now; it is time to continue to learn and grow.

  107. Bradley Evans says:

    I follow you on Twitter.

  108. Bradley Evans says:

    I have like you on Facebook

  109. Bradley Evans says:

    What an awesome way to start the new year but with great books for my work!! Thank you free spirit!

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