Enter to win $300 worth of behavior management books!

PBIS Team Handbook from Free Spirit PublishingThis month we’re giving away The PBIS Team Handbook, along with all of the behavior management books pictured below. (This giveaway closed September 12, 2014.)

How to Enter: Leave a comment below telling us how you encourage positive behavior in kids.


Don't Behave Like You Live in a Cave Dude, Thats Rude Survival Guide for Kids with ADHD Survival Guide for Kids with Behavior Challenges

WordsWound How Rude Vicious WDYSFForTeens

TeachingKidsWithMentalHealthAndLDRegClass Bully Free Classroom Building Everyday Leadership in All Kids Building Character with True Stories From Nature

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Each comment counts as a separate entry. Entries must be received by midnight, September 12, 2014. THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED.

The winner will be contacted via email on or about September 16, 2014, and will need to respond within 72 hours to claim his or her prize or another winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way affiliated, administered, or endorsed by Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. Winners must be U.S. residents, 18 years of age or older.

We welcome your comments and suggestions. Share your comments, stories, and ideas below, or contact us. All comments will be approved before posting, and are subject to our comment and privacy policies.

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199 Responses to Enter to win $300 worth of behavior management books!

  1. Jan Caruso says:

    Our whole building and teaching staff encourage social thinking and positive regard for others. It is a small elementary school devoted to helping each other and those who are new to our community. The teachers as well as the principal model good behaviors and appropriate social communication, even when children behave overly emotionally.

  2. Markki LeBlanc says:

    I encourage positive behavior by letting a student speak their piece when something is bugging them or me. Being able to talk through it will help at times. I also model the behaviors they should be doing. Also my social skills class.

  3. Super excited about these resources. Thanks!

  4. Anything that will help children cope in this world is an asset for the future of our children. Coping skills is neglected. We as teachers see their future without coping skills. Just look around at the adults who are unable to cope. They do drastic things to world. This is needed now and forever to be teaching students. Where else will they learn this Social Skill?

  5. Monica Wince says:

    Confusing bulling with assault is something that happens to often. Eliminate bullying as early as possible… remove the power and change their ways

  6. I encourage positive behavior in kids by being a positive example and finding the good in every situation. I always speak to my students in a positive tone of voice and encourage them to speak to each other the same way.

  7. Matty Miller says:

    I encourage positive behavior in kids by creating essential agreements with my students that honor what they think is important in a learning space. When the ideas come from them, they are willing and feel accountable to hold themselves to their agreements.

  8. We started PBIS at my school this year. I’m the internal coach. These books would be an asset.

  9. I follow FS on Pinterest.

  10. I follow FS on FB

  11. Breanne Simons says:

    I follow Free Spirit on Pinterest.

  12. Breanne Simons says:

    I follow Free Spirit on Twitter.

  13. Breanne Simons says:

    I like Free Spirit on Facebook.

  14. Breanne Simons says:

    Our school just started using PBIS this year and we have coupons that the kids use for being safe, respectful, and responsible. So far so good!

  15. I would love being a role model to young kiddos! Currently, I am a second grade teacher. With so much negativity in this world, kiddos need a safe place they can go to each day and feel they matter. I hope my classroom is that place!!

  16. bj bowden says:

    Liked on facebook!

  17. bj bowden says:

    We love PBIS at our school we do so many different things like having kids being caught when they are doing well and they get a paw print to go in a drawing bucket. We also use lots of classroom meeting times to go over how to respect others and to focus on the positive. Helping kids to realize that what matters is their effort and encouraging them to try 🙂 I also try to give teachers and parents positive feedback cause we all know positive is contagious so we want it to spread around our school but also at home.

  18. trish howard says:

    I would LOVE this opportunity! We have been working hard on PBIS…We encourage students to pay it forward and also the PBIS team chooses a social skill a month to focus on. Those that display that skill get a paw print (PAWS stands for Positive Attitudes Will Succeed) with the good deed they did written on that. Then the student delivers their paw print to the box in the office. The paw prints are displayed in the hallway and at the end of the month a few are picked and recognized on the announcements as well.

  19. Susan Driscoll says:

    I would love to get some resource books. I work at a school and have a child with behavior needs. A lot of love, proper communication and understanding help with these special children!

  20. Lockie lusk says:

    I use positive reinforcement and say nice things when I notice something they do nice. Additionally I try to lead by example and explain what I’m doing of they don’t understand.

  21. Denise says:

    I look forward to receiving

  22. Amber Urbain says:

    Our building does a lot of work with Zones of Regulation with our students and use that to encourage positive behavior. I also utilize a therapy dog in our building, which is a HUGE motivator for positive behavior!

  23. Taryn says:

    I gave my students a “contract” at the beginning of the year outlining rules and expectations. We say our “good behavior” pledge daily. They are rewarded and recognized constantly and consistently throughout the school day for good behavior. When they exhibit good behavior, they can earn stickers and I always give social praise. Once they’ve earned a certain amount of stickers, they can win small prizes from the treasure chest.

  24. Lorena Roman says:

    I am part of the school team that is helping to establish the positive behavior support program at my school. We are identified our biggest behavior hot spots and created positive expectations to guide behavior as a result. Positive behavior is reinforced and recognized at my school.

  25. Michael Bank says:

    I work in a PBS school and I would love to have these materials to improve our program. Thank you for the opportunity.

  26. Sharon Geibel says:

    My team and I use parallel process. When we are in a classroom we model praise, commenting on strengths, and generally showing respect for the teachers as we encourage them to do the same for the children in the classroom.

  27. Lee A. says:

    Also like you on FB! Good day!

  28. Lee A. says:

    like you on Pinterest. 🙂

  29. Lee A. says:

    I model desired behavior, smile, give them complement and notice when they do the right things.

  30. Chris says:

    Follow on pinterest

  31. Chris says:

    Followed on twitter.

  32. TerryTutors says:

    I help support struggling students and their families by putting in place positive behavior boundaries in school and at home.

  33. Sarah Ronchak says:

    Being a mother of a pre-teen and a toddler with autism, this set would be beneficial and provide necessary tools to helping them both be successful contributors to society.

  34. E.Barnes says:

    I praise children for their positive behavior & remind them to treat others like they wanted to be treated.

  35. Teresa says:

    My schools use PRIDE to motivate students. (Positive, Respectful, Integrity, Disciplined and Educated). The expectations are posted in classrooms, hallways, cafeteria, restrooms, etc. Students earn tokens/points to later earn rewards. Staff encourage positive PRIDE behavior on a daily basis.

  36. karla says:

    By encouraging and specifically telling them what is the behavior I am encouraging them on.

  37. Susan Lucas says:

    We encourage positive behavior in many ways! One way is using all of the amazing books that are available!

  38. By modeling the desired behavior as well as explaining what’s expected beforehand, depending on the situation. We also praise them for the desired behavior and thank them for using their manners, etc.

  39. Janell Traylor says:

    I get down to their level to talk to them with a smile. I never just say good job but instead I like the way you use walking feet. I also use lessons to help promote and teach positive behavior among students by showing kindness to others, learning new ways to show respect, responsibility, using optimistic attitude and always being safe around others.

  40. Anitra says:

    I follow on Facebook and will start Pinterest!

  41. Chris says:

    Liked on Facebook.

  42. Chris says:

    Try to model behavior that I want to see in child.

  43. Hilda Phillips says:

    I work in a substance abuse prevention program with children 4 to 10 years old. I am always modeling positive behavior and giving lots of praise and specify what the good behavior was. I encourage parents to point out and praise at least one good behavior a day.

  44. I follow Free spirit on Facebook and Pinterest. What a great resource for teachers and parents!

  45. Trina Mastley says:

    I work in a 4-6 school and I meet with students in small groups every day to work on friendship skills and positive behavior and I am also the advisor for our student council. I am consistently working with my student council members to be great leaders for the other students in our school. By working with both groups of students, I can encourage all students in our PBIS school to show the Bluejay Way!

  46. arkady62 says:

    These look like wonderful titles for our collection.

  47. Bebbie Minter says:

    I model the behaviors I desire of my students, notice and comment when they use them, and have intermittent “behavior celebrations” when I see everyone in a class using a desired behavior.

  48. Susie Leder says:

    I use a blend of the best practices that I can find and speak to me as a teacher. Just like my students, I am learning everyday,too. While we are as individual as snowflakes and fingerprints, it is the community we foster in our classroom and the positive role modeling that we do our best to provide that makes everyday an opportunity to create a learning space. It is not always perfect and the methods don’t always work but each day is a chance to bring us together and keep learning.
    I love the support of having a place like free spirit publishing to help me and believe in the same kind of mission for my classroom that I have.

  49. Krista Stemper says:

    I show them they are important by getting down to their level, smiling and staying calm. I let them share their perspecitive and often ask how they think they can make a positive choice.

  50. Regena says:

    I work in an elementary school and we encourage positive behavior by teaching students to be perseverant, accountable, caring and knowledge seeking.

  51. Susan Campbell says:

    I encourage positive behavior through modeling. positive feedback, and we read a lot of books on different behaviors.

  52. Susan Campbell says:

    I liked Free Spirit on Pinterest

  53. Susan Campbell says:

    I liked Free Spirit on Facebook

  54. Stacia White, RN says:

    Although a simple concept, encouraging positive behavior in children by bolstering self esteem, is crucial to all children. It is often the so called “Bully,” that has low self esteem issues and is transferring that negative energy/behavior.

    Believing in a child and identifying good behavior or personality traits, then sharing those positive attributes verbally with the child, is a GIFT to that child. Positive thinking, can help a child tremendously.

    When we recognize positive, kind behavior, we can encourage and incentivize the positive self-talk to occur in that child (where there may have been none).

    Studies suggest that successive repitition, helps the mind to absorb information (statistics suggest the mind has to hear something 11 times, before you absorb the idea or material).
    As a society, how much could we influence behavior through verbalizing the positive aspects of each child?
    We can proactively help children feel good about WHO THEY ARE, versus the negative self talk the pressure of adolescence can bring.

    *As adults, we all remember that one special teacher who BELIEVED in us, it’s the same positive principle! We feel they were special because they felt that we were special in some way. Remember that what comes around (in a positive verbalization) goes around-the mind!

  55. Joan Rasper says:

    Encourage and compliment!

  56. Tricia Hoyle says:

    Greeting students in the morning is key. It gives direction to the course of the day when we can meet with students and curb emotions before they get out of control. We set them up for success with the encouraging words we use and by reminding them of their goals for making good choices.

  57. Jen Paluda says:

    These would come in handy at my school. Kindergarten can be a challenge trying to address the behaviors of students who have never been to preschool and seem to have few, if any, boundaries and routines at home. Some have little experience with social interaction, too. For these kids, full day kindergarten is really stressful.

    • Susie Leder says:

      I love your comment.
      Had that day yesterday in full day K and while I take no pleasure in the hard times it can present … love those little people and glad to know they have a teacher like you .
      Happy Thursday.

  58. Kids need love and acceptance for who they are and guidance for acceptable behavior.Kids don’t automatically know what you mean when you say, be good….what does being good look like . Praise the child and acknowledge the behavior you want to see more of when you see them doing it.

  59. Debra Chiappetta says:

    I would add this collection to our school library. We are a PBIS school & are starting Responsive Classrooms as well. Our staff would love these resourcrs. Thank you!

  60. I follow Free Spirit on Pinterest!

  61. I follow Free Spirit on Twitter!

  62. I “Liked” Free Spirit on Facebook!

  63. I help children develop a healthy internal dialogue which in turn leads to healthy feelings and healthy behavior! I love my job!

  64. Stephanie says:

    I encourage children to take responsibility for their actions. It is important that they be able to empathize and “feel” how the other person felt. Ownership must be taken. Options must also be explored. But most of all, children must know that you truly believe in them and they need to internalize this belief in themselves!

  65. Jessica Flynt says:

    I work every day with children who have emotional disturbances. My goal is to teach them to model skills that will help them build better futures. We work on developing conflict resolution skills, manners, consideration of others, and basic coping skills for anger and anxiety. I teach these skills from a PBIS-type framework and reward students when they display these positive behaviors in my classroom and out in the world.

  66. We encourage positive behavior by modeling and energizing the positive while de-energizing the negative

  67. Ann Tompkins, LPC, RPT says:

    Positive Reinforcement is the way to go with kids and parents, it is fun to teach through play.

  68. Olivia Fadul says:

    As a counselor I role model the behavior I desire to get out of the teenage males I work with. I also use interactive counseling tools such as counseling cards by Free spirit publishing to help aid with teaching young males. In addition, I encourage positive behavior y being enthusiastic about what I am teaching to them.

  69. Susan Worosz says:

    To encourage positive behavior, I implement the PAX program with my students. I also make use of the NED champion program. Our daily classroom pledge and the PAX promise encourage students to be positive, encourage each other, and to do their personal best.

  70. sdteacher says:

    At the beginning of the school year, I have my students create our classroom rules for the year. We make sure to focus on positive behaviors of what students should be doing in the classroom rather than what NOT to do.

  71. To encourage positive behavior in children, both modeling behaviors as well as implementing specific plans can be helpful!

  72. Sarah Ronchak says:

    My daughter needs assistance in raising her self-esteem from being bullied and learn to be a leader, not a follower. She has never fully recovered from being bullied by a teacher and I need resources to be able to help her succeed.

  73. I followed free spirit publishing on twitter!

  74. I follow free spirit publishing on pinterest!

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  76. dsmith1314 says:

    We encourage positive behavior by being a role model and by rewarding them for being positive.

  77. dsmith1314 says:

    I just followed Free Spirit on Twitter.

  78. dsmith1314 says:

    I follow Free Spirit on Pinterest.

  79. dsmith1314 says:

    I like Free Spirit on Facebook.

  80. Angela Blake says:

    Validating children’s feelings. When children believe they are heard they are more apt to respond in positive ways.

  81. One way we encourage positive behavior is with a Shout Out moment during the announcements where kids can publicly thank someone who has been kind to them.

  82. Jenna Moenius says:

    Followed on Pinterest! Pinterest.com/jmoe5885

  83. Jenna Moenius says:

    Followed on twitter! @jmoe5885

  84. Jenna Moenius says:

    What an awesome giveaway!!! I encourage positive behavior with positive attention and positive feedback as well as rewards! Recognition and praise goes a long way! Additionally, providing hope and encouragement that students can turn behaviors around is key!!

  85. Stephanie says:

    I liked your facebook page

  86. Stephanie says:

    I follow you on Pinterest

  87. Stephanie says:

    I follow you on Twitter

  88. Stephanie says:

    We encourage positive behavior by teaching what it looks like and rewarding SPARK tickets to those students we catch displaying those behaviors.

  89. Jen rymer says:

    I use reward charts, positive reinforcement and modeling.I encourage positive peer interactions as well

  90. Theresa Duffy says:

    Following many of Free Spirit’s boards on Pinterest!

  91. Theresa Duffy says:

    Just liked you on Facebook!

  92. I follow you on Pinterest
    alicia crenshaw

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    **I left the original comment, but I do not see it anywhere. If it is missing, PLEASE let me know and I’ll repost.***

  94. I like you on FB
    alicia crenshaw

  95. Alicia C says:

    My son has some behavioral disorders, so many of the traditional ways have not worked. I have found that, for him, outside influences, such as rewards and positive reinforcement have helped him turn positive behavior into a habit – even if he isn’t doing it just because it feels good. My other two children, on the other hand, have learned most of their positive behaviors through mirroring the adults around them. I think that’s their biggest influence, along with reading books and watching television shows that help them use empathy and sympathy to see situations that they may not encounter on a regular basis.

  96. Jenny Watson says:

    …and on Pinterest! 🙂

  97. Jenny Watson says:

    I follow Free Spirit on Facebook….. 🙂

  98. Jenny Watson says:

    I teach middle school. We follow Champs around the school (hallways, restrooms, classrooms, lunchroom, etc.). Champs is an amazing tool for positive behavior! See this web site link for more on Champs (http://www.dailyteachingtools.com/champs-classroom-management.html).

  99. kristiharris says:

    I just liked Free Spirit on FB!

  100. kristiharris says:

    I try to encourage acts of kindness and work on perspective taking and role playing with my students.

  101. Lois Miller says:

    Use behavior charts, bibliotherapy, incentives and checking in often and offering sincere praise.

  102. Becky Tegeler says:

    We utilize the strategies of PBiS in our building and are implementing plans for our Tier 2 students this year. We catch kids doing the right things after we have pre-taught expectations, and we continue re-teaching every week of the school year. In a high school, there are plenty opportunities for practice!

  103. Joy Deal says:

    We have specific activities each week to help children learn about acceptable behavior. We try to help them understand what and why words can hurt.

  104. Dana Copes says:

    I teach lessons in special area on social skills and character education.

  105. Autumn Shaffer says:

    I follow you on pintrest

  106. Autumn Shaffer says:

    I liked you on facebook

  107. Autumn Shaffer says:

    I work with children who have identified behavior disorders and through proactive strategies, social skills instruction, and positive reinforcement I encourage positive behaviors. I also serve as the PBIS coordinator for my county which allows me to influence school wide practices.

  108. Shelly Fountain says:

    We encourage positive behavior by setting the standard. We allow students to observe adults treating one another with respect and focusing on the positive in everyone. We give positive feedback to students and try to create a positive space.

  109. Be a mirror – kids will “mirror” what they like.. be kind, they’ll mirror that; be positive, they’ll mirror that as well.. Teachers are mentors , and mirrors- our students pick up a great deal from us, often, without even knowing it………….

  110. Use four or more positive statements throughout the day each time you have to make a corrective statement. Catch your child doing good/great things.

  111. Barbara Henry says:

    I encourage positive behavior in my students by being happy, smiling, and loving them each day.
    By setting a good example myself, my students learn what is acceptable behavior.

  112. Jennifer Speer says:

    I always try to acknowledge a student that I see doing something positive. I have some of the Free Spirit books that I use with classes as well.

  113. L says:

    We try to notice good behavior and redirect other behavior.

  114. the.sloneses says:

    I follow you on Pinterest.

  115. the.sloneses says:

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  117. the.sloneses says:

    I recognize positive/desirable behaviors, “I like the way you …”, “…was a really good choice” etc.

  118. Cristi Olson says:

    Positive kids come from positive expectations and attitudes. If my kids know what I expect of them and we practice both what it looks like and what it doesn’t look like, they get the picture! Most importantly though, I have to remain calm and consistent for any plan to work!

  119. Cristi Olson says:

    I liked and am following on Facebook.

  120. Cristi Olson says:

    I am following on Pinterest.

  121. Alice says:

    Just as darkness is the absence of light, POSITIVE BEHAVIOR is the absence of misbehavior. I encourage positive behavior by creating authentic relationships with students and noticing the exceptions/times when misbehavior is not present. When I tell students what I expect them to do instead of telling them what not to do, I see an enormous increase in positive behavior.

  122. Amy Valaitis says:

    As a school social worker, I am all over the school every day. When I see a student demonstrating positive behavior (picking up trash on the floor, helping another student, following directions, etc) I rush over to them and give them a thumb buzz. We press our thumbs together and I make a quick buzzing sound and say what I saw them do. It is quick, free, and really works on a wide age range. We both leave that interaction with a smile.

  123. Sarah D says:

    I follow Free Spirit on Pinterest.

  124. Sarah D says:

    I follow Free Spirit on Twitter.

  125. nicole natzke says:

    I am following on Pinterest!

  126. Sarah D says:

    I like Free Spirit on Facebook.

  127. Sarah D says:

    We encourage positive behavior by being consistent, clearly stating and teaching expected behavior, recognizing positive behavior when we see it, and using positive language. This is reinforced throughout the school by teachers, in my guidance class, at assemblies, and in advisory groups.

  128. nicole natzke says:

    I liked FreeSpirit on Facebook!

  129. I like to catch the children when they are doing something good and comment on it. I work in an unusual environment where kids live here all year round and do not have traditional families or traditional upbringing. It’s a challenging place and the kids do not usually get positive reinforcement from their home lives so we try to reinforce all their good behavior in the library!

  130. Elaine Holt says:

    At CBMS nominations are sent to principal to honor 7th and 8th grade students who demonstrate positive behavior, good character, service to the school, and present positive role models. Names are posted on the bulletin board at the entrance to the building, and students will be recognized and rewarded.

  131. retha s. says:

    Positive behavior is encouraged through support not only from the teacher, but also from fellow teachers, leadership and students’ caregivers.

  132. Carol Surbeck, OT says:

    Hoquiam School District uses CHAMPS to set expectations for behavior is different settings and have expectations posted in elementary school. We bought a set of Free Spirit books to hlep teach our kindergarten classes skills like sharing, making friends, and how to handle anger. Would love to have more Free Spirit resources for our students and staff to share!

  133. Joany says:

    I encourage a framework of what students CAN do. This seems to set a proper stage for making good choices.

  134. Vicke Bowman says:

    I encourage positive behavior in kids through modeling and appropriate praise. Reward are used sparingly, but are sometimes appropriate for the situation. I think modeling is the most important way to encourage positive behavior.

  135. We encourage positive behavior by modeling appropriate behavior, re-directing toward appropriate behaviors, & praising positive behaviors.

  136. Marie Brucker says:

    As a consultant for gifted education, I offer titles such as these to the parents I help as well as all the early childhood educators attending my presentations on young gifted in the metro Detroit area. With sensitivities found in young gifted, books with “explanations” of why, what if, and explanations of feelings in relationships help to make a whole lot of sense and direction for these students.

  137. Jackie DeGroat says:

    I have children model and role play pro-social behavior for each other, engage them in discussions of feelings and reactions, and help teachers point out desired behaviors during the school day.

  138. This year we created videos for our news program where PBIS team members were investigative reporters searching for positive behavior in the school. By doing this we engaged our students while modeling positive behaviors.

  139. Ann Brown says:

    I follow Free Spirit on Pinterest! 🙂

  140. Ann Brown says:

    I liked Free Spirit Publishing on FaceBook! 🙂

  141. Jill Curry says:

    We encourage positive behavior through teaching and practicing behavioral expectations.

  142. Ann Brown says:

    As a school social worker, I encourage positive behavior by teaching
    social-emotional skills to our students. Learning and practicing these skills for school and for life equals improved positive behavior! 🙂

  143. Character classroom guidance lessons.

  144. Tuesday Orluk says:

    I find the material from free spirit publishing to be insightful and age appropriate. I have two young daughters that I often read the books to and then donate to a friend or school they are attending.

  145. Anna Daugherty says:

    I follow Free Spirit on Twitter!

  146. Anna Daugherty says:

    We do the “Saint Spirit Award” for kids who go above and beyond in showing positive respect and helpfulness to those in the school community!

  147. Allen Dunn says:

    Positive reinforcement and noticing students who are displaying positive behavior.

  148. Tamie Pachek says:

    I have a “Bee Positive” board this year encouraging students to say positive things to others. Students will be able to post examples of being treated positively or treating others positively. I also make it my goal to help each and every student find the positive in all situations.

  149. Jill Bierbaum-Rice says:

    These books would be a great tool for our behavior specialists. We currently have very few materials and this would be a great beginning!

  150. Bradley Evans says:

    We use a lot of positive intervention strategies as well as tokens of appreciation for their positive behaviors.

  151. Jamie says:

    We promote positive behavior by recognizing and praising the positive behavior that we see. By giving attention when kids are doing the right thing, we encourage them and others to make good choices.

  152. Teresa Zimmer says:

    I work with gifted students and always encourage them to use their “gifts” wisely!

  153. Amy Zafarano says:

    We encourage positive behavior by example, teaching appropriate self advocacy and communication skills, and by using solution cards for conflict resolution.

  154. Christine says:

    As a counselor I encourage parents to focus on the positive behaviors in children. I work with the children to reinforce those positive behaviors during therapy.

  155. Anne says:

    The PBIS book sounds awesome! Free Spirit Press has such a wonderful selection of books. I used them as a Mom and now as a teacher! I would love to get my hands on all of those books so I could share them with students and co-workers.

  156. Ellen Garcia says:

    Our School District has adopted PBIS. Monthly Coaches Meetings are held to share successful strategies across the District.

  157. victoria metcalf says:

    We use workbooks for positive behavior changes in our Teen/Parent focused parenting classes, in our anger management classes, and in our critical thinking classes. Currently we focus on those who are connected with the corrections systems–whether a pre or post reentry offender, on probation, or a family member of someone who is involved in the corrections system. We are about to open these or similar programs to the general public because of the high level of demand for them. No one else is doing these programs. We also offer equine-centered bullying and behavior management classes to youngsters, and plan to adapt similar programs for both teens in school, for those who have dropped out of school or graduated but are struggling to adjust to society, and for those on probation (three separate classes for bullying and three separate classes for behavior management).

  158. Melissa Myers says:

    Our adults make sure that our “walk” equals our “talk”

  159. Ginger Baldwin says:

    I focus on the positive behavior and encourage my clients to share their concerns on what they feel are behaviors that need to be addressed.

  160. OMazing Kids says:

    I am a pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist and encourage behavior in kids by helping them gain functional means of communication & by using a variety of visual supports to help them understand behavioral expectations. ~ Angela Moorad, MS, CCC-SLP, OMazing Kids

  161. OMazing Kids says:

    I follow you on Pinterest from http://www.pinterest.com/OMazingKids/ 🙂

  162. OMazing Kids says:

    I follow you on Twitter as @amoorad 🙂

  163. Sunshine Sepulveda-Klus says:

    Students are greeted daily by all staff members with a smile and “Good Morning”. Positive behavior is acknowledged, praised, and rewarded. Negative behavior is redirected to good and positive behavior. There is a library of resources in all classrooms and office for students, parents, and community to access.

  164. lora Keltner says:

    I have been a mental health therapist for children, adolescents, and families for eight years. In that time I have been an offsite therapist and worked inside of various schools for my cmhc. I encourage positive behavior for children in various ways. first and foremost, I facilitate behavioral intervention strategies for families, assisting them with developing positive reward systems in the home. I foster positive communication amongst family members and allow parents to explore incentives to all the children to repeat more desirable behaviors through the implementation of a token economy in the home or inside if the school. I collaborate with various staff to ensure the success if the children while fostering enhanced and acceptable social skills. in the last three years, I have served as the offsite manager and provide supervision to therapists for the board. in the collaboration if their cases, I used a library of resources I have collected throughout my experience as a counselor to assist in the development of their personal growth and assisting those therapist in providing quality care to the children and adolescents in which we serve. I would love to win these resources to use with the various age groups in which we work. As we work with a variety of children stemming from various backgrounds, I feel it is important to have such resources and continue to grow my collection of workbooks and materials to assist with the positive growth of both the children and the professionals who service them.

  165. OMazing Kids says:

    Liked on Facebook 🙂 Angela Moorad

  166. Tonya says:

    I work with children and their parents. I attempt to empower parents with ways to help encourage their children to practice positive behavior skills and reinforce those skills with the children. I also encourage parents o be good remodels for their children,.

  167. Jen Holland says:

    I work in charter schools (Pre-K-12) and the use of positive reinforcement and personal identification of appropriate behaviors is very powerful. Students learn to take responsibility for their actions, and in turn manage themselves in the classroom.

  168. Jen Holland says:

    I follow free spirit publishing on Pinterest!

  169. Jen Holland says:

    I liked free spirit on Facebook!

  170. Sue Kerr says:

    Set them up for success by making expectations clear (input from students and consistency are key) and then practicing what it should look like. Let them know we recognize that they do want to please us, and help them along the way.

  171. Cheryl Berchman says:

    I encourage positive behavior in the kids at my school by empowering them to be a good friend, be helpful whenever possible and to strive do their best at everything they do. We are beginning to implement more structured PBIS initiatives and would love to have more resources!

  172. Martha Eadie says:

    We model positive behavior and praise those who demonstrate it every day!

  173. Shawna Hathaway says:

    I follow Free Spirit Publishing on Twitter!

  174. Laurie says:

    Positive reinforcement and rewards/behavior charts are a great incentive to promote positive behavior in children and adolescents.

  175. Shawna Hathaway says:

    I follow Free Spirit Publishing on Pinterest!

  176. Shawna Hathaway says:

    I liked Free Spirit Publishing on Facebook!

  177. Joy H says:

    I praise any chance I get when I see positive behaviour that I want to encourage, I also read these books with my son, and remind him to treat others how he would like to be treated himself.

  178. Madison says:

    I encourage positive behavior in my middle school students by modeling good character, “catching” students in the act of engaging positively with the peers, and discussing the topics of self control, decision making, and etiquette in my classroom guidance lessons. My students especially love role playing how to behave inappropriately in a situation vs. how to behave appropriately. I try to inspire students not only to engage in positive behavior in school but also in their homes and in their communities.

  179. Shawna Hathaway says:

    I encourage positive behavior in children by always focusing on their positive qualities and traits. There is so much negativity in our world today that children need to see the positive in them and their world. This encourages them to feel better and to make better choices!

  180. Madison says:

    I follow Free Spirit on Pinterest!

  181. Madison says:

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  182. Susan Ward says:

    The classic “catch ’em being good”, with specific positive praise linking their actions to the positive outcomes.

  183. Robyn Weinstein says:

    I encourage positive behavior from students by using great team building activies,,,

  184. Holly Tiret says:

    I encourage positive behavior in kids by giving books from Free Spirit to parents to read to their kids.

  185. Christine Stowe says:

    We encourage positive behavior in our kids by giving them opportunities to be kind and helpful to others. Would love to get some new ideas from these books!

  186. Cristina Dobon says:

    We encourage positive behavior by finding out what motivates the students, what their interest are or what their preferred activities are in school. Also, what adults or peers they like to spend time with. Once you find out more about the child, you implement those incentives, preferred activity or time with others to get positive results.

  187. Elaine Gard says:

    Positive behavior is encouraged in our children by being consistent in our expectations, relevant to their developmental needs in terms of expectations, and being clear about what expected behaviors are at each point of the schedule or day.

  188. Jessica Hornsby says:

    I followed Free Spirit Publishing on Pinterest

  189. Jessica Hornsby says:

    I followed Free Spirit Publishing on Twitter

  190. Jessica Hornsby says:

    I liked Free Spirit Publishing on Facebook

  191. Jennie says:

    We praise effort, not final result

  192. Jessica Hornsby says:

    I encourage positive behavior in children by constantly reinforcing positive character traits and offering problem solving opportunities that allow children to practice good behavior.

  193. Lori Kennedy MS CCC/SLP says:

    I try very hard to catch a student doing something good and then brag on him to anyone who will listen. We make a big deal out of it.

  194. Barbara Milner says:

    Respectful guidance includes modeling and stating the desired behavior, not focusing on the misbehavior.

  195. Deb Moe says:

    By always treating students with respect! Also, humor and relationship building!

  196. I encourage my children by reminding them to treat others as they would like to be treated. If someone is being mean, we discuss how it would feel if that was happening to us.

  197. Stacy Kohmetscher says:

    We promote “good choices” throughout the day. We greet every student in the classroom to check in with them before school beginning, we also “triage” with students who have struggled with behaviors (meet with an at-risk student prior to the school day starting to go over what is going to happen for the day and what the plan is if they begin to struggle).

  198. Deana Hirte says:

    We encourage positive behavior in kids through modeling, positive comments, and Positive Solutions curriculum!

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