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11 Uplifting Ideas to Try at Home or in the (Virtual) Classroom

Adapted from Stay Positive In a Jar®

This year on the blog, we’ve covered topics relating to the global pandemic and distance learning. While these topics are important and vital to talk about, they’re often heavy and serious. Today we’re taking time to pause, take a deep breath, and stop the doomscrolling (at least for a few minutes!), and we encourage you to join us. Read on for ways you and your students can spark upbeat thoughts and attitudes and incorporate mindfulness into your day.

1. At the beginning of each day, think of one thing you are looking forward to. Focus on that happy thing as often as you can throughout your day.

2. Write someone a note acknowledging that person’s positivity. Does she keep people feeling motivated with her upbeat attitude? Does he put a smile on people’s faces with his jokes? Let people know the positive impact they make on your day.

3. It’s hard to be positive when you’re feeling stuck or down in the dumps. Remember that it’s okay to ask for help! Talking to a friend or family member can help change your perspective and cheer you up.

4. Reward yourself for taking care of boring but important tasks. What’s that, you cleaned out your backpack? Read a comic book! Make this reward a habit, and you’ll want to get the job done.

5. Next time you find yourself feeling negative, take five minutes to breathe slowly and deeply. This exercise can help you feel calmer and happier.

6. Keep a Smile File. Save positive messages from your friends and family in a folder that you can refer to when you need a boost.

7. Think of a goal you have or something you want to accomplish. Now, what small, specific steps can you take to achieve that goal? Make those steps your new mini-goals. Celebrating small successes along the way can keep you motivated to the end.

8. Keep a positivity journal and use it as a reminder of the good things you’ve got going for you. List your strengths. Write down your favorite inspiring quotes. Paste in pictures that make you smile.

9. Keep a gratitude notebook by your bed. Every night, write at least one thing you are grateful for. Every morning, read what you wrote the night before. Review all your entries often and notice the many positive things in your life.

10. Keep yourself curious. Learning something new can positively affect your self-esteem and self-efficacy. The brain tends to stay positive when you strive to learn more.

11. Avoid all-or-nothing thinking—thinking that something is either all good or all bad. Allow for choices, options, and compromise.

For more ways to incorporate positivity into your classroom, home, or life, check out Stay Positive In a Jar®: Tips, Quotes, and Questions to Spark Upbeat Thoughts and Attitudes

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